The Damous Center is an intensive outpatient program for children with behavioral and emotional difficulties. It provides intensive outpatient and psychiatric services for children 3 to 16 years of age. It assists in rehabilitating their maladaptive behaviors and improving their emotional functioning and mental health. Children who have significant behavior and emotional difficulties can be treated more effectively with our program.
Program Overview
Children are placed in age-matched groups which receive therapeutic experience in functioning as a group, in making friends, and interacting appropriately with adults. Through different methods and goals, our staff is able to modify your child's maladaptive behaviors into socially appropriate ones. Your child will gain the tools he or she needs to improve his or her behavior and emotional functioning, and continue to do so after leaving our program. Parents stay involved in our program through weekly parent meetings with George Damous. This is an eight-week program that is Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm.
While at the Program
Treatment strategies include group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, supportive counseling, and medication management. These strategies are implemented throughout the day and include sports skills training and participation in age appropriate games, group problem solving training, social skills training, and art and crafts. Child earn or lose points according to their behavior, both at the program and at home, and may receive rewards for positive points earned. Individualized treatment and behavior plans are developed for each child. Comprehensive assessments are conducted as needed. Parents attend weekly training groups or individual training sessions. Academic assignments are presented to students by our certified teacher.
Program Goals
Develop problem solving skills, social skills, and the social awareness.
Diminish and eliminate maladaptive and aggressive behaviors.
Develop abilities to follow through with instructions, complete tasks, and comply with adult requests.
Improve self-esteem by developing competencies in areas necessary for daily functioning (interpersonal, emotional, recreational, and academic).
Teach parents to develop, reinforce, and maintain these positive changes.
Evaluate effects of medication in natural setting. We have a psychiatrist on staff for medication management.
Children Appropriate for this Program
Experience difficulty with behavior problems at home and school
Demonstrate explosive anger outbursts, physical aggression, and verbal aggression
Display significant symptoms of anxiety or depression which contribute to ineffective performance and interaction with others
Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
*Transportation may be available.
Contact our office for more information on the Damous Center and to schedule an appointment for your child to start attending.