Comprehensive psychological evaluations and assessments here at Damous Psychological Services are designed to give you information about your child's disorder. Unlike other centers, we eliminate the unnecessary psych jargon. Instead, we provide all information in a concise and clear manner, and we will develop a treatment based on your child's unique needs. Please note that not all psychological assessments and tests may be necessary.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Currently, there are not any specific psychological assessment tools to determine the presence of ADHD. Here, we implement a comprehensive protocol using the latest field research to determine if ADHD is the issue.
Assessments include:
Intelligence evaluations
Academic achievement evaluations
Perceptual motor skill evaluations
Behavior observations
Emotional tests
Teacher / Caregiver checklists to measure several areas, including emotional and behavioral
History including birthing, developmental, social, and health
*Please note that further testing techniques may be required depending on your child's or adolescent's results.
Learning Disorders & Disabilities
Learning disorders and related disorders not only interfere with learning basic skills, but they can also hinder your child's higher-level skills. Though these disorders are a lifelong challenge, individuals with them can be successful with the proper support, beginning with psychological tests.
Tests include:
Intelligence evaluations
Academic achievement evaluations
Perceptual motor skill evaluations
Behavior observations
Emotional and behavioral assessments
Teacher / Caregiver checklists
History including birthing, developmental, social, and health
Adaptive behavioral assessments
Intelligence & Achievement
Intelligence and achievement assessments may be necessary to determine functioning levels to explain the symptoms. These psychological assessments also assist in appropriate interventions for your child's functioning level.
Assessments include:
Clinical inventories
Personality inventories (for adults)
Projective techniques